Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Be Thankful Every Day

What are you thankful for at this time of year?  I always find it quite interesting that we choose one time of the year to focus on thankfulness.  Shouldn't that be something we consider every day?

Someone shared with me once that they ask their family every night one thing that they were thankful for during their day and one thing that may not have been the best part of the day.  I always thought that was such a good idea and it allowed there to be some consistency in the conversations after school, work, etc.   So a few months ago I started this questioning with my husband. I think I took him by surprise because he wasn't sure why I was asking these things.  When I told him that we should make this something we do each night, I think he thought I was crazy.  However, we do go through this ritual most nights of the week and it has helped to lead into other discussions.  Imagine what it could do for you and your children!

So as we begin our Thanksgiving holiday break, please remember to be thankful for all that is around you, not just today, but every day.

Enjoy time with your family and friends and be safe if you are traveling (especially with impending weather forecast.)

Warmest Regards,
Mrs. Robertson

Upcoming Dates
11/26-11/28  Thanksgiving Holiday Break
12/2  Picture Make-Up Day
12/3  5th Grade Performance 9am;6:30pm
12/5  PTO Kids Market 6-8pm
12/12 School Health Fair
12/19 Last Day of School before break
12/22-1/4   Christmas Holiday Break
1/5    Return to School  (Happy New Year!!!)
1/16  End of the 2nd Quarter